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Choosing Colors Light of Swimming Pool

The use of colored lighting in the swimming pools Lighting is one of the traditional methods, but the evolution of our swimming pools designers so that they now incorporate more than color enjoy with us.

Swimming Pool Company Slogans

The installation of the pool flooring and finishing the walls of the swimming pool and fitted with wood parquet floors and marble, and the latest facilities
Floor plays an important role in the form of the swimming pool so that it is employing a distinctive piece of decorative to look like a major attraction

Skimmer Swimming Pool

We are the best group of manufacturing companies and Almassadrlanchae swimming pools makes all kinds of swimming pools, Jacuzzis and swimming pools, swimming pools Skimr products cheap and high quality

Indoor swimming pools

Offer you a selection of the best and most beautiful pools is to add luxury and well-being inside your home away from the blazing sun and away from the vagaries of weather a variety of designs of indoor swimming pools that will satisfy a variety of tastes

Waterfall Swimming Pools

Buy a waterfall pool industrial waterfalls and fountains · · Landscape designs for parks and green areas for parks, villas, palaces and public places Falls and the industrial rock pool or artificial lakes, a waterfall Industrial for Rove & Garden

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Visit to help you accomplish your own swimming pool

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Brilliant White Blue Small Portable Swimming Pools Design

Frequently Asked Questions


Didn’t find the answer?

    How to deal with swimming pools, water for the first time?

    Are filled swimming pool normal water where the water color italic Elly color green or brown color and are then acid a mode called ph or can hsl concentration of acid 35% put ratio of 1: 5 ie one cup of water to five cubic meters 3 water are placed hypertext Filok (Article deposition of impurities and turbidity) and is run swimming pool swimming to develop filtering for about an hour and is then shut down the pumps and left for 24 hours in order for the deposition and after 24 hours all the impurities will appear in the floor of the pool and are then connected Maxnh swimming pool in the provision and place impurities are cleaned in with Almknoh and is then water swimming pool to provide regular water to the level of operating and chlorine is put by use

    What causes greening swimming pools?

    There are two main reasons
    first: the Almarcaan any filters is not doing the nomination to the fullest either where there is paid or due to lack his sand filtration inside the
    second reason: not to put the amounts of chemicals for the required decrease or increase in the developed absent the users and owners of swimming pools continued to deal with the reading device percentage of chlorine or salts

    Causes turbidity water ?

    The main reason not to have a direct and washing of filters on a regular basis and not to read the pressure counters to enter and exit the water pressure and they leave one, which means a significant shot in the filters.

    The reasons for the emergence of dark blue water swimming pools?

    This means that the salt content is too high for the global measure of salt content in the water and more than 8.2 degrees on the measuring device salts and this must be put to the acid ph disappear salts mere revelation of salt water will return to the color light transparent

    How can read measurement alone chlorine and salt?

    There are many kinds of readers chlorine and salt, but for the most part be the marks and grades immutable, there are two sections in the first normal to measure the chlorine system and primitive read from 5: 1 to 3: 5 and this dedicated .cl2 (PCBs) and must be the fact that the measurement of chlorine ratios in water according to the global chlorine and Egyptian ranges from 5: 1 and even 9.5
    The second section of the device which is read ph and primitive reading of 6.8 and 8.2, and even better, to recite for ph starting from 7.4 and up to 7.8, according to the global code of the World Health Organization and considered these readings degrees chlorine and salts from the most suitable grades of where he does not work on the irritation of the eyes, nose or ear does not work any rubbing of the skin of users of the swimming pool

    What are the reasons for the lack of water in swimming pools during the operation of filtration and filtration cycle?

    The presence of leaks in the operating lines and especially the expulsion or withdrawal of lines or balancing reservoir and have many ways to detect them and to know where the leak

    What are the reasons for the emergence of insects in the swimming pool water and methods of treatment؟

    Insects show and always in the summer, especially in July and he gave each year and the reasons for their presence in the swimming pool
    – The high heat in the atmosphere Drha
    – When the pool is close to the places of the landscape and natural vegetation
    – When the water in the swimming pool becomes the color green
    – Always resides in the elements or aspects of the pool to the lack of the nomination of the forces in these places.

    What are the reasons for the emergence of the highest degree to the color red in reading the chlorine and salts device?

    It means the appearance of shades of red in the section salts ph meaning high in the degree of salt by a large margin
    -Water Which are recycled in the swimming pool with levels of natural minerals (iron) above
    Au (filters) are Ezhao reduction of the process of washing the filters are not filters laundering.

    What are the reasons for the emergence of violet in the place of reading salts and chlorine to your pool?

    This means that the fluid used in the measurement process is out of date and must buy a new use.

    What are the reasons for the emergence of algae in the water down?

    What are the reasons for the emergence of Tash-not a filtration, water filtration cycle run because they are calculated act to quantity of water / hour
    -Do Not put processor algae in the water continuously, however, during her appearance.
    -Do Distribution of water inside the swimming pool entrances correct manner
    Ureter in the water down?

    What are the reasons Zaoraltahalb in the water constantly, despite the development of algae processor?

    As long as algae appeared in the swimming pool water, this sense of an infection, including filters and hit the algae there does not appear inside the swimming pool but this algae multiply inside Almirbata filters, filters must wash acid hsl to eliminate them or sodium carbonate

    What is the definition of the components of the swimming pool?

    -Keyboard -Mouse Electricity to run
    -talmbat Withdrawals and expulsions
    -almarchat (Filters)
    -krencet (Headlamp lighting)
    -collenator (Chlorine device)
    -Network And sanitation and filtering
    -mahabs Non-return
    -mahabs Operating.

    Electrical panel own swimming pool components?

    Electrical panel consisting Force and the swimming pool of
    -add Keys (mono cutters and Triple)
    -mana Leaking (Art Ktah)
    Operating -mfatyh
    -led Statement

    Is the risk of headlamp lighting in the swimming pool?

    Many believe that the headlamp swimming pools danger to users and these indexes are installed and the electrical transformer (TRANS) function to convert electricity from 220 Elly 12 volts and the 12-volt not caused her any problems for units of any leak of electricity because these Alturnsat be isolated incredibly isolating
    And therefore it should be installed high-capacity Transat.