The MY POOLS because of their long experience and deep-rooted in the implementation and the establishment of all business Electromechanical of pvc lines of all diameters and specifications and the necessary pressure which returns to the quantity and size of the water and the ability and the severity of the pumps that install them as the installation of all types of valves, including the manual and electrical work necessary for the operations of batteries operating the company also shipped within the media and installation of filters and change all the candles inside the filters and so on the basis of scientific valid as the company is doing all sorts of pregnant own to install all the business and supervised by specialized engineers.

he company MY POOLS team has also worked Almt_khasachin in the installation of all types of pumps for swimming pools of all sizes and Oashkalha and work lines and private networks and the installation of all links its own, according to the assets of the industry.
The company is also doing all the plates electricity own swimming pools and completely insulated against the weather and against the water and riding out all the accessories, including the key blocker infusion and loads and partitions to operate and control and riding with a key remote control panel so that the client can control in the process of operating without climb up and down the room and also to control lighting pool and waterfall from a distance, if any.